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CGAA Misc: Firefly 10th Anniversary- Browncoats Unite

I watched this last night and it's a MUST for any of you that loved the shiny gem of a half-series that was Joss Whedon's 'Firefly'. This video is a fantastic reunion of everyone together (except the actor that played Shepherd Book) and as lovely and fuzzy as it was to see them all together again, it's really upsetting to hear about the stories that were going to be told, especially about Inara.

If you haven't seen the series then hopefully this reunion will spark your interest and you'll seek it out, just be aware that there's little of it, but it's definitely worth your time.

(If that video doesn't work then here's a link to some possible other working videos here.)


  1. I'm not crying... it's just raining on my face. Thanks for this, Molly, and if anybody hasn't seen this series, for the love of god go watch it, it's only thirteen episodes and a movie. Hop to it!

    Also, my captcha for the video read 'until next time'. Even the video hopes.

    1. We're all hoping Meg! *sniff*
      Maybe one day we'll see them all again...Even if it is only the 20th anniversary reunion :(


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