Featuring the voices of Bill Hader, Josh Gad, and Kate Hudson, the movie will explore the world of shadows through the story of one in particular—Shadow Stan, who happens to be 'stuck to the world's most boring human', Stanley Grubb.
IMDb adds the following in its unofficial synopsis:
"When a crime in the shadow world puts both of their lives in danger, Stan is forced to take control of Stanley. They go on a madcap adventure to investigate the crime and stop the shadow villain from leading a rebellion where shadows take over the human world. During this adventure, Stan empowers Stanley to let go of his fears and embrace life. Through their adventure, they both learn that one cannot be whole without a true friend."Me And My Shadow combines CG and traditional hand drawn characters—a growing trend, it seems. The shadows will all be traditionally animated. As quoted on Facebook, DreamWorks creative chief Bill Damaschke says that it "felt creatively interesting"
Courtesy of Big Screen Animation blog
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