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CGAA Yr 3 Dissertation Hand-in - Good Luck & Well Done!

Another deadline - another milestone!  Best of luck for tomorrow's dissertation hand-in!  And, whatever you do - enjoy yourself this weekend - do something lovely (and which doesn't require a Harvard citation!).


  1. "Yep! - good luck!" (Beg, 2012)

  2. Thanks Phil, all ready for the deadline :) (Buchan, 2012)

    A comment on the CG blog (Accessed 26/01/12)

  3. correction - Ha ha! (Gomm, 2012)

  4. Thank you, I'm glad it is all finished. (Deleuze, 2012)

  5. Thanks Phil! Good luck with the submission everyone..

    and damn you lot, didn't want to read anything else to do with Harvard for a long while.

  6. This is a very high-brow* running joke. (Gomm, 2012)

    *Of, relating to, or being highly cultured or intellectual

  7. I hope that's a joke, Mr Watts...

  8. This is very tricky, because, at first I'm thinking to myself that the government shouldn't be allowed to remove children from their parents based on obesity. Then I'm thinking that, if the parents are really the ones causing the problem and the problem has become very dangerous for the child, then that is a form of child neglect or even possibly abuse. I think that sometimes professional essay writers UK services gets carried away and removes a child from a home and asks questions later. We've all heard horror stories of blameless parents who lost their child ran and took years to recover them once a person or persons in social services had made up their mind about the case and that the parents were to blame. However, we have all heard even more stories where children "fell between the cracks" and were horribly abused, neglected and even died or were intentionally killed by parents.


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