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Black border in Premiere Pro

I have made a video in Premiere Pro with still images, but it has this black border all around the video when it is exported, as seen in the screen shot below.

 Formats that I used;

All pictures are are 1920 x 1080 in dimension, before imported to Premiere Pro

Premiere Pro export  Format H.264
                                Preset HDTV 1080p 25 high quality

What am I doing wrong?


  1. if you right click on each image in the timeline there should be an option saying 'scale to frame' or something similar, you have to select that for each image or clip :)

  2. Hi.

    Are the images scaled to the project size? Quickly double check by right clicking on an image in the premiere timeline and choosing scale to frame size.

  3. I forgot to add that if you did tick that for everything it might be that you're using a monitor that is greater than 1920 x 1080. If you have a screen that is bigger than the video resolution you'll get these bars unless the video player you are using can scale it up.

  4. Scale to frame size was ticked on all the images before exporting and noticing the problem. My monitor is 1440 x 900.

  5. What happens if you play it fullscreen? a lot of media players will also scale the video down to fit it in and you'll get black bits

  6. a black border isn't going to be a problem in terms of my/our ability to experience your animatic, Katy - so, if you're giving this problem too much of your energy - don't - it's cosmetic. We'll figure it out for Unit 5...

  7. I have been playing it in full screen and windowed, but its still the same. I am just gonna leave it, as its taking up too much time. Thanks for your help.

  8. Hi Katy.

    It sounds like the problem is that the Sequence (video) frame size is smaller than 1920 x 1080 (dimensions for 1080). When you export something that is smaller than the chosen dimension in export window, Premiere Pro will automatically put a blank border around the Sequence frame.

    In Premiere Pro check what the current settings are for the Sequence being used. Click inside the Sequence and then from menu go to: Sequence - Sequence Settings. Here you can view the dimensions of the video in the Sequence.

    Hope that helps.


  9. Thanks for your help, the sequence video was on 4.3 instead of 16.9, it now exports without the black border.


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