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Odd faces in Maya

So I thought I'd get a tiny bit of Maya practice in with spheres and cylinders when these odd faces creep up on me. It's on a sphere that has been scaled, extruded in places and had a few faces deleted off. Just before I notices this I had to flip some normals that got confused after an extrusion.

Any ideas? I tried deleting them and using the Split Poly/fill hole tool to remake the faces but the same thing happens (O,o)


  1. Are you sure the normals aren't still flipped on these 2 faces?
    If not, go to Normals > Soften edges with the object selected.

  2. just tried and its still there. It's not a big problem seeing as its a practice piece

  3. Yeah, but if it crops up at another time when it's important you'll want to know why.
    Drop me an email with the file :, I'll give it a look.

  4. Select the faces in question and go to 'Normals - Reverse'

  5. tried flipping the normals with no luck. I'll mail you the scene in a sec Jon, just taking some renders for posterity :)

  6. Just took a look at your file, one of the faces normals was inverted. If you select the object and press 3 to go to subD, the one that smooths weird is the one with inverted normals. Select that face, go to Normals > Reverse. Then go to Normals > Soften edge and it will be fixed. I can email you back the file if you wish.

  7. AWESOME!!!

    Thanks Jon, just followed your instructions and shazam it all falls into place!

    Its strange though, I reversed them previously and even brought the normals up and all looked fine... perhaps too long a night!

    Thanks again :)


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