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Maya Issue - Yellow Selection?

Hey guys.
Just a little Maya hitch has pooped up and I was wondering if its happened before.

As you can see, when I select a face in this case (it happens with verts and the like as well) it gets this yellow outline with by itself isn't annoying, but when I try to move or manipulate what is selected:

It seems to move around a defined pivot as indicated by the changing colours as I move it.

How do I turn this off and go back to normal?


  1. press B on the keyboard! You have soft select on.

  2. And there you go! Simple as that. Thanks Tom

  3. It always usually is something as simple as that. I found myself in soft selection mode during the summer, re-installed maya and everything.

    ...could have just pressed b :(

  4. FYI - Soft Select is found under the move tool preferences.


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