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FAO CGAA YEAR 1 - SPACE CRIT/Friday 26th November @ 9AM/L1

With one week to go before your Unit 2/Space crit presentation, there's lots of creative activity on the blogs and expectations are high that Friday's crit is going to be something special.

I encourage you to take a moment to return to the brief to ensure you've ticked all the boxes and generated all the content requested - and in the format specified. For example, your final three images need to be at 16:9 - no exceptions.

In terms of the content of your presentations on Friday, 26th November, I only want to see the following:

1) Begin by showing a single definitive influence map that explains clearly your 'visual concept' for the production design underpinning your 3 scenes. (The 'why').

2) Organise your work into a Powerpoint presentation that begins with your definitive influence map. Next, present your first final scene, followed by its 'build-up' sequence (the 'how'). Repeat for remaining 2 scenes.

3) As a precaution create a PDF version of your Powerpoint as a 'failsafe'.

4) You DON'T need to include research imagery or preparatory sketches. This information should be clearly presented on your blogs.

5) L1 will be open at 9am - students are to copy their work onto the desktop of the computer in readiness for the crit to begin PROMPTLY at 10am. Please note - another group has a booking between 2-3 - therefore we will be breaking for lunch at 2pm and resuming at 3pm. Come prepared for a long morning session!

6) As promised, the order of presentations will run z through a, which means we're starting with Alex at 10am

7) Remember - Unauthorised non-attendance at a final crit = non-submission. If you're running late, please let Jackie Andrew know.

8) Do NOT leave printing your essays to the last moment! I want paper copies from everyone on Friday + signed plagiarism forms.

Any questions, drop a comment here.

Good luck!

Be amazing!
