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Maya Hiccup WIth Texturing...

A little stuck on why this box pops up and why it wont place the dots to my dice in the correct areas....

I have redone the texutre process at least three times (with a variety of colours) and still no luck, the alpha colour channel has also been removed.

Any help would be great...


  1. Hey there Ben, did you create your texture in Photoshop CS4 on a Mac? I belief it may be due to a bug in Adobe, did you save it as a copy without layers and no compression? These are just stabs in the dark to get round the glitch. You could try and create your texture again in another copy of Photoshop (maybe just open it then just resave it). As a final resort you could always go off-tutorial and save as a JPEG.

  2. I did it in the PC room next door to the main cg arts&animation room, I believe I used CS4, and I didnt use any compression....
    I think using the image as a jpeg would be a good idea, I used jpegs for 3D Studio Max and I know how close these two programmes are...

    I will be (trying) finishing it tomorrow at uni so I will post how it goes, thanks for the help Simon!

  3. I did some further investigation and I don't think it is just limited to Macs, I think Adobe know about the issue, whether there is a fix or not I will endeavour to find out.

  4. I use JPEGS most of the time anyway, I'm not sure, but I think the only difference, that I could think of at least could be the image quality of the texture, which when it comes to tutorials probably isn't all that important as long as you learn how it all works. Its mostly block colour anyway. I'm sure its out of laziness on my part, I like to see my textures in the folder instead of looking for their names under that weird little camera icon that appears with TIFFs, but if im doing something like wood, I have to use tiffs incase its much difference.


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