There appears to be some confusion regarding the purpose and significance of the ‘Interim Online Review’ process – the first of which commences on Tuesday, 5th October.
The IOR is very simple. It is an opportunity to receive feedback from me in the form of an extended ‘comment’ on your blog.
By now, all of you should be uploading your research/drawings/reviews/technical exercises etc. regularly to your blog. (If you’re not then you’re isolating yourself from the creative community of which you’re part and missing out...).
To prepare for your IOR all you need do is ensure that your blog is up-to-date and explanatory of your intentions/problems/ideas so far. For instance, if you are undecided between two possible approaches to your hybrid portrait, then say so on your blog and include (obviously) all the preparatory drawings illustrating both ideas. Show me what you’re thinking; don’t be mysterious or precious; if you want it discussed, post it!
If you think you’ve got a good essay question figured out, then name it, and I’ll respond by suggesting ways in which it might be structured or referenced or enlarged upon.
Put very simply indeed, whatever aspect of your Unit 1 work you want feedback on, get it up on your blog BEFORE Tuesday 5th (i.e. by the end of the day on October 4th as specified on your timetable).
Be warned: if there is nothing on your blog – if you’ve produced nothing – you will receive NO feedback – which is your loss, as feedback at this interim stage when there is still time for further refinements is often pivotal to greater success and your increasing sophistication.
I DO NOT formally assess your work at this interim stage. You are only formally assessed at the final critique concluding the unit.
The more work you produce and post, the more feedback and support I can provide. There is no need to create a special IOR post – as I will be looking at the continuum of your blogs from beginning to end – BUT, if you do have a specific question, grab my attention by creating a suitable headline – i.e. ‘IOR – Essay Question – Help!’
It takes me an entire day (and sometimes 2!) to complete an IOR for every student; your feedback will appear on your blog throughout Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th.
You should use the IOR to your advantage – it is a deadline before the deadline, so use it to focus your efforts and structure your self-directed study. Your job is to engage me creatively and imaginatively; get my juices flowing with lots of preparatory drawings, research and ideas! Don’t disappoint: the IOR is one very immediate way I have of gauging a student’s commitment to the course – and their long-term suitability too.
The IOR process reflects on YOU – so make work, make lots of it, get feedback, do well, grow in confidence (and then conquer the world).
Nuff said.
See you all Monday @ 4.30 in L1 for Cocteau’s ‘La Belle et La Bete’ …
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