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need help with and arm rig

i am having trouble with one of my rigging tutorials, which pass the object tutorial. I followed all of it but when I actually animated the passing scene the right arm gets messy. The only thing i did differently to the guide alan gave us was instead of mirroring the left arm rig i had to make the right arm rig because everytime i had to mirror the rig my maya just close down.
here are some screen shots that shows the problem i am having.
The arm is rigged by an ik handle.

if anyone knows the problem please comment


  1. Hi, it looks like it might be a problem with the orientations of the joints in the right arm as they are bending forwards insted of to the side. Have a look at changing and playing with the orient joint options under the skeleton tap in the animation settings. If not check your settings for the ik handles, the more obvious choices I know, but they are often the ones I over look when having problems with my projects.(Its just my best guess without looking at the tutorial). Hope it helps


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