FAO CGAA Year 1: Story & Commission 'From Script To Screen' - Your Online Greenlight Review Part 2 08/02/2013
Friday , 8th February is your From Script To Screen Online Greenlight Review Part 2 Your OGR Part 2 is to be presented as a single Scribd presentation on your blog, beginning with your name, date, and project title. Your OGR presentations should be uploaded to your blogs by 9 pm on Friday 8th February Written feedback will follow as a 'comment' on your OGR post and will take between 1 - 3 days. From Script To Screen OGR Part 2: What do you need to present? Your final script (presented in accordance with screenplay conventions). Your completed storyboards* (not 'presentation' quality at this stage). Production drawings/concept art (environments/props). Production drawings/concept art (character)**. Your definitive influence map (overall production design/visual concept for animated short). Your definitive influence map(s) for character. All film reviews so far ( La Jetee, Rope, Psycho, The Birds, Jaws ) Your creative pa...