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FAO CAA Year 1: Your New Year's Resolution is...

This is a message for all those first years listed above as 'red' in terms of non-completion of term 1 Maya tutorials.  The letter grades against your name are formative at this stage, and for your guidance only. That said, our expectation is that you will have completed your term 1 tutorials prior to the beginning of next term.  Unsurprisingly, there is a direct relationship between the success or otherwise of the WIM projects and the completion of Maya tutorials.  It would be self-defeating to begin Term 2 without the necessary experience, so I suggest you seek to make it one of your resolutions of 2015 to complete the outstanding tutorials before we meet again.  If you could share this information via the year one Facebook page, I'd appreciate it. 


  1. Do not make the same mistake a lot of us former 1st years did, otherwise you'll be left without the tools you need to successfully turn your imagination into reality and, like me, will end up doing lots of Maya tutorials during the summer holidays. No one wants that now do they ;)

    You will thank yourself later :D

  2. The voice of experience speaks!


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